Welcome to St. Andrews
St. Andrew's Methodist Church

Welcome to St Andrews Methodist Church. We are a friendly church in Filton, Bristol, with a congregation of all ages and a range of backgrounds and nationalities. We are part of the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit of The Methodist Church in Britain.

Our vision is to see God transform people’s lives. We aim to play our part by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and expressing his word in love and action.

At the heart of church life is worship where we celebrate God’s love for each of us, we meet each Sunday morning at 10.30am. We also meet together in a variety of ways throughout the week; you can find details on the church activities tab above. If you would like to join us for any of these activities, we would love to meet you.

Reach out to us for any inquiries!
Book a session or event with us!
Learn about our safeguarding policies!